Vision & Mission

Not Just assessing humans, but fostering human capabilities

Our purpose: At HumanAI we use innovative technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). Our methodology enhances human development, providing valuable, reliable, and immediate information on personality and soft skills. HumanAI facilitates decision making by professionals where it really matters. Our intent in not just assessing humans, but fostering human capabilities, providing professionals with elements that support them in better making their decisions.

We are a #Goodtech. Ethics principles are core for HumanAI, and we do not share or trade with user information. We have an ethical code in place to ensure we always comply with the highest standards. We will grant all data is securely stored in our systems.

HumanAI rigorously uses scientifically validated models, developed in collaboration with universities’ research teams. Our scientific models are based on widely accepted OCEAN personality model (big 5) and the OECD social & emotional skills (SES) model.

We envisage to provide the highest accuracy and reliability. It is obtained from our differential scientific contrast against established psychometric models like NEO-PIR, which takes out biases  from self-evaluations, resulting in higher prediction accuracy. This allows HumanAI to be used in applications where demonstrated rigour is required, like mental health, justice administration, education, and public employment services.

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