Part of the Human AI team was present at the World Football Summit, the International Congress of the soccer industry that took place last September 20 and 21 at the Congress and Exhibition Palace of Seville.
Our CEO María Beunza was interviewed by DT-Deporte Technology, an online platform specialized in sport and healthy living in the digital era.
“Athletes, clubs, as well as ordinary people, are increasingly using technologies that help them to perform better and be better. This is our focus. We are part of an ecosystem that is gaining more and more presence every day, due to the enormous importance that competitive sport and health sport have in our lives. Digital technology has given it an unprecedented dimension, which also brings about enormous changes. Our mission is to report on them and analyze them”.
This is how they define themselves, and it is precisely to inform about the mission of Human AI comes to cover theirs: we are a technology at the service of human development, we affect the socioemotional performance of the athlete, impacting integrally on their sports performance using artificial intelligence. AI AI2025-02-05 11:59:282025-02-05 11:59:30How to get to know the athlete well through artificial intelligence
Our personality can be a determining factor in our development and career. But can work change your personality? or is your personality capable of changing your work environment? How can knowing personality traits for work and professional development help us?
Languages, experience, academic training, knowledge or technical skills are fundamental elements when playing and enhancing one’s professional career; but there is an element that, although perhaps going unnoticed, also exerts a huge influence on both the workplace and the business culture: personality.
The unfinished personality
People come with a given backpack: our genetics, our temperament. Inside it we put and develop different resources: knowledge, talents, abilities… both cognitive and socioemotional. We acquire a weight and a legacy that makes us who we are: they shape our character, they mold our personality.
“We are unfinished beings,” says Paulo Freire, “and it is precisely there, in this radical nature of human experience, that the possibility of education resides. Throughout personal development and growth, both educational and professional, there are certain personality factors that are and will continue to be malleable. We can always achieve more, be more, be better.
An inseparable binomial: Work and personality
In the workplace, personality can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as in the way we communicate, solve problems, lead or work in a team. The promoter, the multitasker, the researcher, the strategist, the communicator… The way a person interacts with others, faces challenges and adapts to different situations has a significant impact on both his or her work and business career. It is good, according to human resources experts, that every company has diverse personalities who can bring value to the organization, who enrich the work teams, the departments.
The work-personality binomial is bidirectional: “acting follows being (personality)” – we would say with Thomas Aquinas – our actions, both personal and work-related, respond to how we are; but we can also say that “being (personality) follows acting”; that is, as we act and decide in our circumstances, we are molded in one way or another, enhancing some traits or others, being able to change the environment and the surroundings.
Personality assessment
While there is no “perfect, ideal personality” for job success, certain characteristics may be favorable in certain roles or industries. For example, extroversion may be beneficial in jobs that require interacting with many people, while introversion may be valuable in roles that require a more analytical and focused approach. Adaptability, resilience, proactivity and the ability to work in a team are also valued traits in the workplace.
Personality can be measured by different tests or assessment tests. Job performance is difficult to predict, however, based on the OCEAN assessment model there are different analyses and scientific studies that show the relevance and impact of personality factors and facets:
The “Competence” (or self-efficacy) facet, within the Responsibility factor, and job performance correlate significantly.
Personal and professional development
Knowing ourselves – and knowing our coworkers – allows us to discover in which areas we are particularly good, where to improve, where to mold ourselves better and thus be able to orient ourselves towards certain areas, projects or sectors; thus enabling both personal and professional growth.
Our personality, therefore, has an impact on our development, both positively and negatively. Personal and professional development is a continuous process that requires effort and dedication, so it is essential to work on strengthening social and emotional skills, such as leadership skills, emotional intelligence, resilience, among other competencies; achieving professional goals and enhancing one’s own human development.
If you work for the evaluation, assessment and development of people, request our free demo: 👉🏼 AI AI2025-02-05 11:46:362025-02-05 11:46:38Personality and professional development
Today, education focuses primarily on cognitive or “intelligence” test scores. But, being smart does not imply that you will do better in life. Performance, well-being, achievement in life; it depends on more than cognitive skills alone. Non-cognitive characteristics, including physical and mental health, as well as perseverance, attentiveness, motivation, self-confidence and other socioemotional qualities are, in fact, essential.
The center directed by J. Heckam, which they define as “a catalyst for collaboration between economists, biologists, psychologists, neuroscientists and sociologists interested in methodological innovation”, has an advanced line of research on Assessing the role and impact of non-cognitive skills.
Non-cognitive abilities have a major impact on many human dimensions: on future earnings, employment, work experience, participation in risky activities, compliance with health protocols, and even the potential commission of crimes.
In a unique, multidisciplinary, multinational research effort, CEHD, is investigating how personality traits, executive function, and economic preferences predict academic performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.
Any effective personalized education system will need to inventory the broad range of skills that can predict achievement in school and in life.
Traditional paper-and-pencil tests are quite cumbersome and are not designed to capture specific skills.
Self-reports of personality and behavior are unreliable.
Teacher assessments are subjective (though predictively more reliable), time-consuming, and often not comparable to reports.
Administrative data have predictive power, but still need to be aligned with traditional measures.
Promoting non-cognitive, social-emotional skills is part of a successful intervention for human development. Still, according to CEHD, more research is needed in order to study which method is able to measure them accurately.
If you want to test an AI capable of evaluating them, request the demo: 👉🏼 👈🏼 AI AI2025-02-05 11:43:102025-02-05 11:43:13Measurement of skills, personality and human development
On Thursday, May 11, at the Metropolitan Design Center in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, an event took place that brought together more than 700 professionals, especially from the Human Resources area, where experiences were lived simultaneously, allowing to offer a wide range of content and formats. The Mercer Journey #35, “More relevant, more human”, a 360º event that brought the view of experts in economics, global talent issues and trends; as well as different challenges to lead in the “tech” era, manage talent by skills and build an employer brand.
“Being in a space where they talk about the most innovative in the field of talent development, in an event of this nature, with more than 700 participants and also with a company of enormous trajectory as Mercer Latin America, is already a fantastic alliance for us,” says Maria.
Among the panels, they had the opportunity to listen to Ivana Thornton, Mercer’s talent expert. They participated in different talks on HR trends, in which issues related to socio-emotional competencies, work and personal wellbeing, risk prevention and professional development were very relevant.
Human AI was present in the Patio Tech, a technological space with different start-ups and platforms with innovative proposals and applications.
Melania tells us that it was “a space where we could share, through the tutorial, a quick overview of the usefulness, why and what Human AI is for. Through a QR code, interested users, most of them from HR and recognized agencies in Argentina, could access a test. We had the opportunity to enter into dialogue with potential clients and strategic allies”.
Both had the opportunity to show the application to Cecilia Inés Giordano, CEO of Mercer Latin America, and Diana Mondino, renowned economist in Argentina. Several entities, renowned companies and organizations from different sectors, were interested in the ease of being able to work without tests and questionnaires.
“There is the possibility of doing things better, of doing them much faster, of adapting more to people, of personalizing more the professional development, the career, the needs and concerns of each one.” “People are eager to use new solutions that allow them to move forward. Of course, in Latin America there is this concern. We have had many meetings with the education sector, with ministers, with consulting firms, with sports clubs… everywhere there is this concern for developing competencies, soft skills and not just cognitive skills,” says María. AI AI2025-02-05 10:03:362025-02-05 10:03:39“More relevant, more human.”
Under the slogan “Education in the age of Artificial Intelligence: exploring new frontiers” SIMO EDUCACIÓN – the International Exhibition of Educational Technology and Innovation – brought together in November the leading brands in technology and cutting-edge digital content, publishing groups, technology distributors, and educational content and management platforms.
This technological and educational event – organized by IFEMA MADRID and with the collaboration of Educación 3.0 – presented to the teaching community the progress of teaching and learning processes, school management and education and training, with a wide range of content aimed at all stages of education. This last edition was attended by 125 companies from 11 countries and was visited by around 10,000 professionals.
A presentation that shows the current and future trends in which technology, innovation and pedagogy play an essential role, both in the teaching activity and in the progress towards quality education, fostering creativity, motivation and emotional well-being of students, as well as market opportunities and innovation in the sector.
All of this is aligned with the UNESCO 2021 report, which refers to the transformative capacity of technology and innovation in education systems and the need for the commitment of all stakeholders, including governments, educators, learners, civil society and the private sector.
In this context, SIMO EDUCATION 2023 has focused on four pillars:
Technology and innovation for the classroom and learning, attending to its value for the classroom and the improvement of student performance;
The potential and weight that eSports are gaining in the education sector as a tool to motivate students and improve their skills;
Mental health-emotional education, aligned with the World Health Organization;
and Dual Vocational Training, which has proven to be effective in preparing young people for the workplace.
In a transversal way, the aim was to make visible the applied artificial intelligence, a technology that is transforming education and that allows to personalize learning according to the needs of each student.
AI and Emotional Education
Socioemotional competencies are fundamental in the personal and professional development of students and, although scientific evidence and international organizations such as the OECD and the EU emphasize their importance, assessing them has always been a challenge for teachers.
In this context Human AI enters SIMO EDUCATION as one of the eight technological innovation startups presented in the space SHOW UP! An area dedicated to give visibility to entrepreneurs with new technological proposals for the education sector.
Human AI is a technology and innovation tool at the service of emotional education, a solution that combines AI and psycholinguistics capable of evaluating, assessing and developing the personality and socioemotional competences of students from written texts offering objective, immediate and reliable personalized reports.
The Human AI team was in one of the booths of the SHOW UP! space showing how technology at the service of education can help to personalize and develop the socioemotional education of students.
If you want to know more about Human AI, visit our website or click on our white paper and if you want to know how it works, ask for our demo! AI AI2025-02-04 13:10:352025-02-04 13:10:38AI and Emotional Education – SIMO EDUCATION
Entrepreneurship is a long-distance race: it requires a great deal of passion, effort and commitment. There is also a critical success factor in the whole process: the well-being and emotional state of the entrepreneur. Is it possible to evaluate and enhance the entrepreneurial profile?
Emotionally balanced entrepreneurs are better able to make good decisions, manage stress, anxiety and be able to build solid relationships. The emotional well-being of entrepreneurs is a fundamental ingredient for the success of the company, the team and the entrepreneur himself. Entrepreneurship is not only a matter of economic growth, it is a matter of personal transformation.
Are entrepreneurs born or made?
In the discussion about whether leaders or entrepreneurs are born or made, there is a clear question: there is a combination of genetic and social factors at play. There is a part of the personality that is influenced by genetic factors, but there is also a part that can be developed through experience, learning and the development of competencies in relation to the entrepreneurial profile.
As pointed out by Javier García Manzanedo, an expert in the psychology of entrepreneurship: “Entrepreneurs are made, without a doubt. There is a genetic part and a social part. If the person has seen entrepreneurship in his or her environment, he or she tends to… but you learn, you learn to be an entrepreneur”. As research shows, personality plays a key role in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Athletes of a marathon, athletes of their own business
Entrepreneurship is a challenging activity, with a high level of commitment, stress, investment in time, dedication, effort, money… the price of being an elite athlete is comparable to the price of founding and running a new company.
Entrepreneurs face a wide range of challenges, from financial uncertainty, negotiation with investors to possible rejection by customers. Economic challenges are in turn accompanied by their own life and personal challenges – from mental and emotional balance; challenges as important, if not more so, as formulating a business plan or obtaining financing. What is at stake is not only money, it is the person.
It is essential to look at the complex emotional functioning of entrepreneurs and to be able to provide them with the necessary tools to create healthier contexts, both financially and emotionally. Two factors, in fact, inseparable.
Relevance of the human factor
Defining a business plan, assessing its viability, creating a market niche, managing marketing, financing and investment strategies… all these technical skills are essential for entrepreneurship. At the same time, socioemotional skills (SES) play a vital role in achieving success, a success achieved from personal and business satisfaction, that is, learning to leave your skin in the game, without leaving anyone behind.e
There is a high percentage of startups that fail due to the human factor, hence the profile of an entrepreneurial person must have tolerance to stress, risk, have autonomy in decision-making, be self-sufficient, at the same time know how to listen, know how to advise, learn to locate success or failure in the decisions taken and not in luck, etc.
But is it possible to evaluate, measure and even enhance the psychological characteristics that define an entrepreneurial profile? Because if we are able to evaluate and measure the personality of the entrepreneur we will be able to predict possible future failures or successes, we will be able to develop the psychological areas likely to become obstacles, we will be able to enhance the talents and strengthen skills, create a growth plan, support and training focused on their entrepreneurial profile. In short, we will be able to predict and optimize the success or failure of the project, because by empowering the person, we optimize the company. By fostering a “healthy mens” we will guarantee a prosperous business.
Evaluation of the entrepreneurial profile. Psychology of entrepreneurship.
From Human AI – making available the technology of artificial intelligence and the knowledge of psycholinguistics – we prepared a report with the most impactful competencies for the entrepreneurial profile: open-mindedness, intellectual curiosity, cooperation, boldness, self-confidence, assertiveness or cordiality, among others.
The report is based on two sources. On the one hand, a scientific evidence research has been carried out to evaluate the impact of socioemotional competencies (SES) on the entrepreneurial personality based on the OCEAN personality model. On the other hand, the assessment of the competencies is collected through a survey of 40 experts with experience in the world of entrepreneurship – entrepreneurs, businessmen, consultants, investors and academics – in which, based on their knowledge and experience, they have ranked them in order of importance for a person to develop an entrepreneurial profile. From both sources – scientific evidence and experts – they have established the groupings of competencies in order of importance: critical, relevant or necessary competencies.
Thus, an ideal entrepreneurial profile will score high or very high (in green) all those belonging to the “OCEA”, i.e. the big four: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness . On the other hand, those related to emotional dysregulation (Neuroticism), as they are inverse, will score low or very low.
The psychology of entrepreneurship allows, therefore, to evaluate the capacity for entrepreneurship, to demonstrate statistically and mathematically the entrepreneurial profile, to be able to access a report with an evaluation of those competencies that influence and impact on the entrepreneurial attitude of a person, and to be able to make decisions based on these evaluations. In short, to be able to work on the strategic business approach based on the socioemotional knowledge of the entrepreneur, in order to know how to guide him/her and how to empower him/her humanly. AI AI2025-02-04 13:03:492025-02-04 13:03:51How to evaluate and enhance the entrepreneurial profile
The project “TutorIA for the evaluation and development of SES” has been selected as one of the thirty most innovative projects in the VII edition of the convocation of Dualiza Grants from CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa.
This project – led by several vocational Training Centers of the Aspasia Group – aims to use the artificial intelligence tool Human AI to create a system that evaluates and develops socioemotional skills to promote personal development and improve the employability of its students.
Close collaboration between vocational training centers and companies is essential, according to Luis García Domínguez, president of FPEmpresa. This synergy makes it possible to achieve the levels of excellence required for the labor market, thus strengthening the direct relationship between VET and the business fabric.
These initiatives will be carried out hand in hand with a company or collaborative entity; and it will be the students who will be in charge of developing them to improve their learning. In this way, companies are encouraged to actively participate in the training process of students, through the development and implementation of projects that contribute to improve their learning, providing them with new skills while adapting their profile to the needs of the labor market.
Of the total number of centers and projects selected in the Call, 21 have been chosen to promote ideas on their own, while the rest will collaborate to carry out network projects, developed and implemented by centers from different provinces and even from different autonomous communities, such as TutorIA.
“When selecting these 30 projects, the evaluation committee has taken into account that they should be innovative, encourage co-participation between centers, have a social impact, diversify the participating agents, establish coordination and communication mechanisms, contemplate sustainability to provide long-termresults, be transferable, facilitate the communication of the achievements and seek to impact the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,” says the Dualiza Grants Resolution.
HUMAN AI at the service of Vocational Training and Employability
The collaborating company to carry out the “TutorIA for SES assessment and development” project with FPAspasia centers will be Human AI Tech. The Human AI artificial intelligence tool offers immediate personality and social-emotional competence (SES) assessments by simply entering a natural language text of the person to be assessed. It also supports voice notes, which the tool automatically transcribes. This avoids self-perception bias and the investment of effort and time in traditional questionnaires.
The personality assessments provide the five traits of the OCEAN model and their facets in individual, immediate, accurate, user-friendly and easy-to-use reports. These reports will be used by project managers to achieve the desired competency improvement objectives.
This project will enable teachers to obtain individualized reports of their students’ competencies, providing them with tools and documentation to improve the competencies of current and future students. The students, as well, will obtain accreditation of their competencies, and the internship companies will receive detailed reports on the SES competencies of the interns, along with guidelines to help improve them.
Thanks to the use of Human AI, different soft skills will be evaluated and accredited, helping each student to enhance the skills and competencies necessary for their future job search and job placement. AI AI2025-02-04 12:59:172025-02-04 12:59:19TutorIA: Innovation in Evaluation and SES Development
Would you like to meet the 100 AI startups that are changing the way we work with their innovative solutions?
Generative AI, LinkedIn’s AI community backed by industry AI experts, has identified the 100 fastest growing AI startups in 2023. These startups are pioneers in the application of AI. “They’re not just riding the wave of AI evolution; they’re actually creating it, from neural networks that mimic the human brain to algorithms that predict the unpredictable,” and Human AI is one of them.
“This is not just a list; it is a narrative of progress, a testimony to human ingenuity and a roadmap to the future shaped by AI.”
These 100 startups show us how AI can improve our productivity, our business and customer relationships, and our creativity. This is not exclusive research for those deeply entrenched in the AI sector. “Whether you’re an investor looking for the next big breakthrough, a professional tracking industry trends, or just an AI enthusiast curious about the future, there’s something here for you. So grab a coffee, find a comfy spot and dive into the world of the TOP 100 fast-growing AI startups of 2023. It’s more than research; it’s a window into the future and the view is nothing short of extraordinary” notes the Generative AI article.
The startup that helps to understand and develop your well-being
Human AI is a startup that offers an artificial intelligence assistant to perform immediate analysis of socioemotional competencies from texts in a person’s natural language, avoiding self-perception bias and tedious traditional questionnaires. It provides valuable, reliable and immediate information about your strengths and areas for improvement, offering personalized recommendations to enhance your personal and professional development. Whether you are a student, a professional, an educator, a coach, an athlete, a psychologist or a team leader… Human AI helps you to improve the performance, satisfaction and well-being of the person being evaluated.
Y ¿cómo funciona Human AI? Con tan sólo un texto de 1000 palabras, obtendrás los resultados de 35 parámetros de personalidad y competencias socioemocionales (SES) comparados con una amplia base de datos mundial. Human AI utiliza tecnología innovadora, particularmente Inteligencia Artificial, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (NLP) y Aprendizaje Automático (ML), para analizar el texto de entrada, entender el perfil psicológico y emocional de la persona y generar un informe inmediato de personalidad y competencias socioemocionales.
And how does Human AI work? With just a text of 1000 words, you will get the results of 35 personality parameters and social-emotional competencies (SES) compared to a large global database. Human AI uses innovative technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), to analyze the input text, understand the person’s psychological and emotional profile and generate an immediate personality and social-emotional competencies report.
If you are interested in learning how Human AI works, request our demo! 👉🏼 👈🏼 AI AI2025-02-04 12:52:292025-02-04 12:52:32Ranked among the 100 fastest-growing AI startups in 2023
“Empantallados” is an educational platform with a purpose: to educate healthy digital users. This initiative arises to accompany families in the digital reality of their children, because “technology influences many facets and we believe it is important to start educating them from an early age in a responsible and healthy use of technology, without waiting until they are older.”
Did you know that 65% of school-age children will work in professions not yet invented and related to technology?
AI impact in Spain
Empantallados, together with GAD3 – a social research and communication consultancy – and with the support of ” For a loving use of technology”, the European Commission and Fundación Fomento – this educational platform has presented the first study on the impact of Artificial Intelligence in education in Spain. The report shows the main data and conclusions of the research carried out at the end of 2023, and based on a survey of a representative sample of 500 families in Spain, 200 young people between 14 and 17 years old, and 200 non-university teachers.
A study that shows, among other questions, how much and for what purpose students, teachers and parents use AI, or what their concerns, opportunities and challenges are, also analyzing the use and perception of these audiences about AI.
The 10 key questions in which the study is summarized are the following:
The study reflects that 57% of parents believe that AI will have a positive impact on their children’s education, a percentage that increases (61%) in relation to the positive effect that AI will have on the professional future of their children.
In the case of teachers only 39% believe that AI will have a positive impact on education and 54% believe that it will be beneficial in the future career of their students.
Regarding student efficiency, both parents and teachers see benefits in the use of AI. However, while parents believe it will enhance creativity, teachers believe it could harm it.
Parents feel more overwhelmed and have a lower understanding of AI compared to teachers and students. However, 78% of parents are very
interested in learning more about AI, compared to 63% of students. Parentsare the most supportive of introducing AI tools into their children’s academic curriculum (60%).
However, teachers are more critical of their students’ use of AI, generally recommending its use to a lesser extent (33%) than parents (42%). As for the impact of AI on teachers’ work, efficiency and autonomy are the most important competencies for teachers, with the search for new information being the area where they recommend its use the most. Creativity, on the other hand, is the least important.
Creativity and critical thinking: main challenges of AI
Most families and teachers in the study believe that AI can help with practical issues, but they are more reluctant to believe that AI can develop skills such as autonomy, creativity or critical thinking: on a scale out of 10, families score 5.9 and 5.6 for both aspects. Teachers, on the other hand, give a failing grade to the ability of AI to foster autonomy and creativity: 4.5 and 4.2 respectively.
We might ask ourselves, is this not an opportunity to delegate efficient tasks to AI in order to invest and encourage our most creative side and make students students students of thought rather than students of knowledge?
As Xavier Marcet states in his recent column on knowledge workers, “In times of artificial intelligence, it is essential that people have a monopoly on questions. If you think, technology empowers you, if you don’t think, technology takes you where it wants.”
AI can become a very useful educational tool and at the same time it presents challenges in the development of key student competencies, not only cognitive, but also socioemotional. Will AI also be able to help us, not only in developing efficient educational tasks, but also in the development of the student’s personality and socioemotional competencies?
The irruption of AI appears to be more than just another medium, tool or technological advance; it will – and already is – driving a change in educational approach and mindset.
If you are interested in learning more about an AI capable of assessing the personality of your students and being able to develop social-emotional competencies in them, request the Human AI demo 👉🏼 AI AI2025-02-04 12:37:282025-02-04 12:37:31What do families, teachers and students think about AI?