An innovative partnership in education – Latam
Education in Latam moves towards a promising future
A pioneering collaboration begins that will help transform the educational landscape in Latin America. The school network Itinere in Argentina and Uruguay has joined the innovation ecosystem of Human AI, a company that develops tools based on responsible artificial intelligence, to establish a pioneering educational innovation hub in the region.
This innovative agreement promises to revolutionize the way in which students and teachers develop socioemotional competencies, avoiding traditional tools and their drawbacks, in addition to promoting cutting-edge research projects in collaboration with universities and Human AI experts.
“The collaboration between the Itinere network of schools and HumanAI will allow students and teachers to reach their full potential, which is both a right and a pillar for education to be a great engine of change and social belonging.”
Darío Alvarez Klar, Founder and Director of Itínere Red Educativa
Integral development of competencies supported by ethical IA
At the heart of this strategic alliance is a shared commitment to driving holistic competency development. With the help of responsible, evidence-based AI from Human AI, innovative tools will be co-designed to assist management teams, teachers and students in their personal and academic growth. This will mark a milestone in Latin American education by combining Itinere’s pedagogical expertise with Humana AI’s cutting-edge technology.
“Our collaboration involves fostering socioemotional competencies among students and teachers, conducting cutting-edge research projects and harnessing the power of innovation together with universities and experts within the Human AI ecosystem.”
María Beunza, CEO of Human AI.